Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's DayToday is Valentine's Day and it's a special day for so many reasons. Sure it's about flowers, candy and cards and we all look forward to sharing those things with the people we love but it's also a day to feel grateful and pay it forward. Do something you might not usually do. There are so many things to be happy about and so many little ways to show people you care.  Whether it's your family, a friend or even better,  a stranger you've never met. Take the time to do something special. Put a smile on someone's face. Do someone a favor. It will make the day that much better! My little Valentine to you is a simple recipe for sugar cookies that I have actually shared before. It's not just a recipe, it's a tradition. I have been making these cookies for special holidays since my kids were tiny. My mother made them for me and my sisters. It's the tradition that's special, not the recipe (although it's a really good one!). Happy Friday! Happy Valentine's Day! Have a fabulous weekend!

Valentine's Day Sugar Cookie Recipe

Leslie xo