Favorite Things

You know when someone asks you what you would want to have if you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one thing? Well my answer to that question would be trail mix. Silly I know, but I seriously love the stuff and whether I'm traveling, sitting on a beach or shopping for the day, I will usually have trail mix with me. It's perfect because it's full of protein, has just enough sugar to keep me happy and you don't really have to stop doing what you are doing to eat it.  I laughed at myself  when I realized just how hooked on the stuff I am when I was packing my bags to go out of town this week. I had to make a special trip to the trail mix bar at Wegmans just so I could stock up. Here are my favorite things that I put into this batch.  Happy Friday!

Unsalted Cashews

Dried Cranberries

Unsalted Almonds


Salted Peanuts

Dried Cherries


Have a fabulous weekend!

Leslie xo

Photos by Leslie Reese