Favorite Things

winter copy Photo by Doug Reese

Wow is it Friday already? This week flew by! It was a productive one for me with lots of catching up, working on projects and planning events, all while trying hard to stay warm. We had some record breaking low temperatures in PA this past week and it made me think that maybe my three sisters who moved to California were the ones with the right idea! I love winter but these cold days had me begging for spring. It made me appreciate some of the little things that I depend on in the winter months to keep me warm, happy and not so chapped! Here are a few of my favorite ways to fight the chill of winter. They are simple, inexpensive and so effective. Happy Friday!

QticaLipBalmQtica Lip Balm

I'm pretty sure the word addicted would be appropriate for me when it comes to Qtica. Ask anyone that knows me well (because I probably forced them to try it). This stuff is like gold and if you use it, you will never want anything else! It's that good!

NeutrogenaHandCream2Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream

Neutrogena Hand Cream keeps your hands soft and your cuticles and nails from drying out. I keep one in my purse and one on my nightstand. Love it!

cerave-moisturizing-lotionCeraVe Moisturizing Lotion

Not everything you put on your face has to be expensive. My dermatologist actually recommended CeraVe lotion to me as a simple, every day way to keep my skin hydrated. I use it on my face and body. I love that I can get it in a drugstore.


STAX fire starters from Duraflame

I love burning fires in the winter. I have a wood burning fireplace and wouldn't trade it for the world. There is nothing like the crackle of real wood. And although I consider myself somewhat of a Girl Scout, I prefer the quick start method over the "from scratch" method any day!

IMG_5914 (640x426)The Republic of Tea ~ Ginger Peach Decaf

As much as I talk about my love for a latte, I am a tea lover too. Republic of Tea is one of my favorite brands of tea and the Ginger Peach Decaf seems to be the perfect remedy for a cold winter day.

Comfy-Warm-BlanketChenille Throw from Restoration Hardware

This is one of my favorite blankets. It's a simple chenille throw that we picked up several years ago at Restoration Hardware. It's heavy, soft and warm.

So there you have it! Just a few little things that I appreciate this time of year. Simple? Yes. But isn't that what it's all about? Funny how  some of the littlest things can make you happy! Look for them, what are yours?

Have a great weekend!

Leslie xo